Me The Best Man
My army buddy, Sahrudin, was getting married on the 31st December 2005 and the reception was to take place on 1st January 2006. And he already “booked” me for a few months in advance to be his best man. Wow! First time. I was going to be his best man. Was so excited. But to think of it again, it was satu amanah yang harus dilaksanakan.
We reached Norhafizah’s (Sahrudin’s fiancee) residence (Woodlands) at about 4.30pm on 31st December. Sat beside him while waiting for the Tok Kadi to arrive, scheduled at 5pm. Sahrudin looked good in his yellow outfit and black kain songket. Everyone’s eyes were on him (and I guessed, must be on me as well since dah duduk sebelah dia).
He didnt show he is nervous, but I was!! So funny, he’s the pengantin, kita pulak yang seram. I think that’s the nature, I guess.
Dengan sekali lafaz aje, Sahrudin pun dah jadi suami Fizah. Betul punya laju si Din ni lafazkan time ijabkabul. Macam MRT dah....sampai some of the audience dah ketawa. But he did good.
The next day was the even bigger day. I expected me to be very busy. Yes, it was very busy. Didnt know that the Best Man got a lot of things to do. Contacted Abg Man the car driver, kompangs people, co-ordinated with Lisha (Fizah’s bridesmaid) on the timings, liased with Abg Nor for the convoy with the super-bikes and so forth. Dah macam co-ordinator wedding. But it was fun lah.
We left Sahrudin’s residence about 12.45pm and reached Woodlands shortly. Dengan iringan paluan kompang, kami bergerak menuju ke gerbang masuk. Ditahan dua orang, kira nak mintak duit tol lah tu.
Dah settle, followed by persembahan pencak silat. Then, I thought boleh terus gi pelamin, rupanya, ada lagi tol!! Wah, banyak betul tol atau “ERP” kat Woodlands ni. I called this “En Route to Pelamin” (ERP). Hehehe.
Last tol, dengan Mak Andam (we called her Kak Nana). Kak Nana tu pun sporting gak, so boleh ah kita buat kelakar kat depan pelamin tu. Then, baru pengantin dapat duduk.
The way back to Sahrudin’s place was okay too, cuma no one planned from where nak berarak. So, i instructed the driver to stop at the carpark entrance. Biar longer distance to berarak, baru nampak style!
Dah didudukkan kat atas pelamin, aku pulak bukak langkah. Kira hadiah persembahan silat untuk pengantinlah. After me was Sahrudin’s relative to bukak langkah, then after that, no one pulak nak continue. So, aku masuk lah gelanggang lagi untuk “tutupkan” acara silat tu.
In conclusion, it was not easy being a bestman. But is was definitely a memorable day for me as well. First activitiy in the new year. First time being the bestman.
At one point, one of his uncles suddenly came and asked, “So, you Udin punya best man? Dah berapa anak sekarang?”
I was stunned with his question. Anak? In my heart I said, jangankan kata anak, anak kucing pun saya takda. I chuckled and asked to myself: Do I look like a father? Or is my size now looks like someone who is already married with kids? Hahaha.
Hmm....the more reason for me to work out, or is it satu tanda for other reason?
We reached Norhafizah’s (Sahrudin’s fiancee) residence (Woodlands) at about 4.30pm on 31st December. Sat beside him while waiting for the Tok Kadi to arrive, scheduled at 5pm. Sahrudin looked good in his yellow outfit and black kain songket. Everyone’s eyes were on him (and I guessed, must be on me as well since dah duduk sebelah dia).
He didnt show he is nervous, but I was!! So funny, he’s the pengantin, kita pulak yang seram. I think that’s the nature, I guess.
Dengan sekali lafaz aje, Sahrudin pun dah jadi suami Fizah. Betul punya laju si Din ni lafazkan time ijabkabul. Macam MRT dah....sampai some of the audience dah ketawa. But he did good.
The next day was the even bigger day. I expected me to be very busy. Yes, it was very busy. Didnt know that the Best Man got a lot of things to do. Contacted Abg Man the car driver, kompangs people, co-ordinated with Lisha (Fizah’s bridesmaid) on the timings, liased with Abg Nor for the convoy with the super-bikes and so forth. Dah macam co-ordinator wedding. But it was fun lah.
We left Sahrudin’s residence about 12.45pm and reached Woodlands shortly. Dengan iringan paluan kompang, kami bergerak menuju ke gerbang masuk. Ditahan dua orang, kira nak mintak duit tol lah tu.
Dah settle, followed by persembahan pencak silat. Then, I thought boleh terus gi pelamin, rupanya, ada lagi tol!! Wah, banyak betul tol atau “ERP” kat Woodlands ni. I called this “En Route to Pelamin” (ERP). Hehehe.
Last tol, dengan Mak Andam (we called her Kak Nana). Kak Nana tu pun sporting gak, so boleh ah kita buat kelakar kat depan pelamin tu. Then, baru pengantin dapat duduk.
The way back to Sahrudin’s place was okay too, cuma no one planned from where nak berarak. So, i instructed the driver to stop at the carpark entrance. Biar longer distance to berarak, baru nampak style!
Dah didudukkan kat atas pelamin, aku pulak bukak langkah. Kira hadiah persembahan silat untuk pengantinlah. After me was Sahrudin’s relative to bukak langkah, then after that, no one pulak nak continue. So, aku masuk lah gelanggang lagi untuk “tutupkan” acara silat tu.
In conclusion, it was not easy being a bestman. But is was definitely a memorable day for me as well. First activitiy in the new year. First time being the bestman.
At one point, one of his uncles suddenly came and asked, “So, you Udin punya best man? Dah berapa anak sekarang?”
I was stunned with his question. Anak? In my heart I said, jangankan kata anak, anak kucing pun saya takda. I chuckled and asked to myself: Do I look like a father? Or is my size now looks like someone who is already married with kids? Hahaha.
Hmm....the more reason for me to work out, or is it satu tanda for other reason?
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dah ada pengalaman jadi bestman, bila lagi nak jadi pengantin???
Anak kucing? Anak tekak kan ada!!! heheheheh ;)
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dah sah lah kau tu gemuk! Hahahaha
At 4:24 PM,
kampunguy said…
Abg dah gemuk! kene work out skrg jugak !!! bila kiter nak dpt kakak ipar?? ;p
At 9:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey..Hazriq..Thank You so much for all the helps and effort in arranging and be the bestman for Udin. Appreciate it so much. Miss those time and sometimes thinking of rewinding it back and experiencing it all over again. Now its your turn soon. May successful and happiness be with you always ya. See ya soon.
D & F
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyway I agree he looked good in his yellow outfit and balck kain songket. Bought all that at Kuala Lumpur and it was so hard to find the perfect songket to match. Good memories...
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